Alcohol and Depression

Alcohol and Depression

Alcoholism is one of the biggest issues in the world today. Large number of people in the world today are found to be addicted to alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is seen to be quite a routine pattern of people in most of the countries in the world and moderate drinking does not possess any threat to one's health.

But when a person starts drinking large amount of alcohol, it results in several health as well as social problems. In most of the cases, alcoholics confess that they get addicted to alcohol in order to get away from depression. How far is this true? Let us have a look.

Alcohol and Depression
Depression is one of the most common conditions in the world and is experienced by a person for more than once in his / her lifetime. However, very few people are found to be capable of coping up with depression. On the other hand, consuming alcohol livens up the person's mood and also makes him feel better temporarily. Also, alcohol induces the much needed sleep in people suffering from depression. Hence, most of them depend on alcohol to overcome depression. However, most of the people are not aware that our body very quickly develops tolerance level for alcohol. This makes the person drink more amount of alcohol and finally he becomes an addict. These are the effects of depression on alcohol.

On the other hand, alcohol is also said to have a depressing effect on a person. This may seem contradictory but people consuming large amounts of alcohol suffer from bouts of depression and loss of self control. Hence, it is observed that alcohol and depression problems go hand in hand which can lead to serious consequences. For once, a depressed and an alcoholic person lacks inhibition of any kind and can take risks without being aware of it. Secondly, depression often leads to suicidal thoughts in people which cannot be controlled when under the effect of alcohol. Several social, work related as well as financial problems also arise due to alcoholism and depression. Read more on depression medication and alcohol.

Alcohol and Depression Treatment
Alcohol and depression symptoms include loss of appetite, sleep problems and lack of energy. Initially, it is difficult for a person to know whether he is suffering from alcoholic depression or not. However, if he feels guilty about the drinking on the next day, or drinks heavily when he is depressed or overly stressed; he is surely suffering from alcoholic depression. It is very essential to get this condition treated as early as possible to prevent further complications and health risks. Alcohol and depression treatment includes use of different methods to overcome this situation. Counseling is the best method of treating alcoholic depression. There are also various alcohol and depression medications that help in treating hangover and withdrawal symptoms. However, one should know that there is no specific medication that makes a person stay away from alcohol. It is only a person's will power and support of family and friends that helps a person overcome alcoholic depression. On the other hand, every person should realize that alcoholism is not a treatment method or cure for depression and hence, he should stay away from it. There are several herbal remedies for depression that are very helpful and effective in treating such depression.

One should remember that there are several different ways of getting rid of anger, frustration and depression, other then alcoholism. Remember, alcohol and depression, if not treated, can be a life threatening condition. It is always advisable to talk to family members or close ones or simply take professional help for treating depression, rather than putting one's life at risk!

Article Source : Received via mail