How to Interview More Effectively in Five Steps

How to Interview More Effectively in Five Steps
The job interview is one of the most dreaded life experiences. Here are some confidence-building tips for a successful face-to-face with potential employers.

The job interview is a nerve-wracking, nail-biting experience for many career seekers. With all the do’s and don’ts, it is often hard to keep track of what to say and how to say it.

However with a bit of practice and preparation, the person can go face to face with the employer with confidence. Here are a few tips for the wary candidate.

Write Down Job Skills and Accomplishments

Before walking into the interview, write down several job accomplishments on a piece of paper. Employers like to hear stories where the employee managed to succeed under difficult circumstances. Then list core job skills to give the company an idea of strengths and abilities. This technique comes in handy when the employer asks questions related to skills, strengths, and past accomplishments.

Research the Company

Search the employer on the internet. Find out what people are saying about the company, how many people work there, financial standing, etc. Print out the organization’s About Us page and bring it into the interview. With the About Us printout on the table, ask one or two questions related to the operation, structure, and goals of the business. Make notes in the margins of the page as the interviewer is answering the question.

Get a Business Fashion Sense

Dated apparel and a bad hair day gives the employer the impression that the candidate is stuck in the past and may have a difficult time adjusting to new job skills. A new personal line of business fashion chic not only adds to the candidate's professionalism, it also boosts the confidence level. Shop at discount outlets such as T.J. Maxx, Marshall’s, Kohl’s, and consignment and thrift shops.

Ask and Answer Interview Questions Effectively

A typical employer will have a long list of questions to ask the job seeker. If the person is prepared, he or she will have studied the most common interview questions and will have practiced answering with the aid of a friend or family member. During this phase of the process, maintain good eye contact. Tie job skills and accomplishments into the company’s business goals, smile, and show enthusiasm.

Talk about how the core set of strengths and job skills matches the position and how they would benefit the company. Above all, be clear and concise – don’t ramble on and get off track.

Toward the end of the interview, the employer typically asks whether the candidate has any questions. The answer should always be “yes,” and the person should always be prepared with several questions relating to the company and the requirements of the position (e.g., “Who is your ideal candidate for this position?” “Why is this position open?” “Who does the person in this position report to?”).

Another useful tip is to answer questions as if the person is a hypothetical member of the company’s team. For example, “If I were selected as your top candidate and became a member of ChipWare DataServer Corporation’s team, I would ensure the security of the company’s servers, databases, and email systems.”

Mind the Body Language

It’s been said that up to 93 percent of human communication is non-verbal. During the job interview, the employer will pick up on any negative body language such as fidgeting in the chair, slouching, gazing out the window, being distracted by a watch or cell phone, or furrowing the eyebrows. The candidate should maintain good eye contact, sit up straight in the chair, keep focused, and smile often.

The key to a successful job interview is to be relaxed, yet professional. By identifying skills and accomplishments, researching the company, updating the wardrobe, asking and answering the company’s questions effectively, and paying close attention to body language, the candidate can walk into every interview with a greater sense of confidence.

About The Author : Daniel Gansle

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